Is a 12-hour PBU enough?

A too common question for the reservoir engineer: is 12-hour PBU test good enough? Should we leave the well shut-in for longer? why not a 1-hour PBU?
You may find different rules of thumb depending on the well testing book you open: either the PBU should be the same duration, or 1.5 times or 2 times the duration of the production period… A test design study would quickly answer this question, but what if we now have the knowledge and technology to reduce the PBU to 12 hour or less? What if we show you a successful well test in a low permeability reservoir with a shut-in of only a few hours? and what about removing completely the PBU ?!

This short preview shows how the modern analysis techniques and new technology can save time and cost in Exploration and Appraisal activities. We can now apply the same techniques to optimize production and remove PBU tests. The full 30-min video is available here.

the modern analysis techniques and new technology can save time and cost in Exploration and Appraisal activities. We can now apply the same techniques to optimize production and remove PBU tests. 

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Test the new ConvEx technology, combining pressure transient analysis, rate transient analysis and production dynamic analysis into one, along with a new type of reservoir simulator.