Achieve Excellence in Well Testing
We provide services in well test design, operations and interpretation on all types of wells and reservoirs worldwide. We help you to obtain the best quality data with maximum value and minimum cost. We can also re-analyze old data or challenge previous interpretations.
Exploration and Appraisal Well Testing
Why testing in Exploration and Appraisal ?
Flowing period:
Confirm discovery and productivity
Clean-up the well and obtain a rate measurement
Take large volume fluid sample
Test sand production
Shut-in period: (min. 2 PBU tests)
Extract information about the well and reservoir performance (skin, turbulence, permeability, initial pressure, reservoir heterogeneity, boundaries)
Investigate reservoir connectivity and proven volume
Learn about the flow behaviour around the wellbore
Large scale of investigation (~ 100-1000s feet)
Well testing in exploration and appraisal could point out to reservoir compartmentalization problem. Knowing this type of problem would prevent a field development train-wreck and huge financial losses.

In the uncertain and costly exploration and appraisal environment, it is critical to be prepared and obtain the best quality data, optimize the unique operations with real-time data and learning, and get the most value out of the few data points.
Services in Exploration and Appraisal
Well test design:
Design test to cover a large range of uncertainty and to achieve the subsurface objectives while minimizing rig time and flared volume,
Review existing design to ensure suitable completion design and suitable test duration to achieve objectives and recover deconvolution.
Monitor operations with QC of data and real-time interpretation
Ensure best quality data,
Optimize test to achieve objectives and look for more value-adding opportunities at minimum cost,
Potentially save few days of rig time and minimize flared volume.
Post-operation interpretation:
Explore all the data, extract all possible solutions and help to integrate the data with other sources of information,
Recover and use deconvolution to refine initial pressure, improve understanding of the transient response, add reservoir insights and provide evidence for larger connected volumes,
Evaluate minimum connected volume.
Review past interpretation, re-interpret pressure data using latest techniques and tools (including deconvolution) to extract all possible solutions, increase the value of data, (re)-assess field potential, etc…
Support alternative permeability testing methods.
Let us have a look whether we can help.
Please contact us or fill the form below:
Quicklook review of design or analysis
Simply send us your presentation or report via the Secure File Transfer. We will send you our comments, explain what could be missing, improved or better explained, and what other solutions are possible. Get the most out of your data !
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Why testing wells ?
Exploration, appraisal, development
- Confirmation of discovery and productivity
- Clean-up and rate measurement
- Large volume fluid sample
- Well and reservoir performance
- (skin, permeability KH, Pi, heterogeneity, boundaries)
- Reservoir connectivity & proven volume
- Flow behaviour around wellbore
- Large scale of investigation (100-1000s ft)
Well testing in exploration and appraisal could point out to reservoir compartmentalization problem. Knowing this type of problem would prevent a field development train-wreck and huge financial losses.
Production and injection
- Use of opportunistic shut-ins
- Track permeability, skin, reservoir pressure
- Monitor performance over time
- Understand performance deviation
- Assess well intervention
- Quality control rate measurement
Other alternative ?
No other alternative to:
obtain large fluid sample
evaluate permeability over large distances (~100s-1000s feet),
assess well damage (skin)
investigate connectivity over large volume
Why using our services?
Global experience from Explo to Production
Extensive experience from exploration to production in all types of wells and reservoirs worldwide, in particular North Sea (UK and Norwegian sectors), GoM, Brasil, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Angola, Canada, Egypt, Oman, Jordan, Indonesia, etc…
Expertise in deconvolution
We have expertise in deconvolution.
Deconvolution is a great asset for your team. It helps to improve the understanding of the pressure data, refine initial pressure and add reservoir insights. While deconvolution is not new, it is often misused in the industry.
We are also dedicated to coaching you with deconvolution.
Dedicated to you!
We can act as your team well test expert, provide a 2nd review or simply reduce your expert’s workload.
We can review data from your shut-in or active wells with or without downhole gauges.
Maximum value
With costly and rare shut-in pressure data, don’t compromise on its interpretation.
We guarantee to provide more value out of your data. Let’s try a quick review of your existing design or interpretation and we’ll send you our comments.
Get a 2nd opinion
You already have a design or interpretation study but are not entirely satisfied or simply want to check if more value can be obtained at minimum cost?
Get a second review from us.
Our clients
We support employees from national companies, independents, majors and more “generalist” service companies.