ConvEx Analysis of a New Production Well

A new production well with very limited information was analysed in this 10-min tutorial video.
A memory gauge was run to acquire a 20-hour shut-in at the start of production and a pressure gradient survey was performed after 6 months of production.

Thanks to a new technology in reservoir engineering, the pressure survey and bad quality short PBU provided enough information on permeability, skin and drainage area. The results came with a little surprise…
The analytical simulator helped the engineer to quickly come up with a reservoir configuration that matches the derivative and pressure plots.

the modern analysis techniques and new technology can save time and cost in Exploration and Appraisal activities. We can now apply the same techniques to optimize production and remove PBU tests. 

ConvEx Free Trial

Test the new ConvEx technology, combining pressure transient analysis, rate transient analysis and production dynamic analysis into one, along with a new type of reservoir simulator.