Learn and deepen your well testing skills 

Place for oil and gas students and professionals to learn well test analysis, the techniques and tools, including deconvolution, for all types of wells and reservoirs.


problems in well test analysis
Factors that complicate well test analysis

This video session shows some factors that can affect the well test data and complicate the analysis, and what to do about them.

horizontal well PTA
Horizontal Well Basics

This video presents the typical horizontal well response and matching process. Following a horizontal well clean-up, the data are analyzed to obtain the productive length, permeability anisotropy and reservoir pressure.

Well test analysis on horizontal well
Horizontal Well Case Study

This video presents a case study with a horizontal well in a dry gas reservoir, using modern well test analysis techniques.

advanced well test analysis on horizontal well
Advanced Horizontal Well PTA

This video presents the different derivative shapes for horizontal wells and several interpretation techniques and tips to reduce the non-uniqueness. Other factors such as wellbore phase redistribution, the size and number of open horizontal sections are also discussed, with a live exercise for illustration.

well with limited perforations or partial penetration
Well with Limited Perforations / Partial Penetration

This short video presents the transient response for a well with limited perforations or partial penetration. After focusing on the matching process, a “live” well test interpretation is performed on an oil production well, using PIE and Saphir softwares.

well clean-up with production facilities
Well Clean-up

This short video presents an overview of a well clean-up, with the temporary surface facilities, the different phases of the clean-up with some real-case scenarios.

well test analysis on water injection well
PTA in Producing Fields

This video presents the basic applications of pressure transient analysis (PTA) on production and injection wells, and the best practices in surveillance to ensure protection of the base production and optimum recovery.


Well Test Design and Analysis


complex wells, production


Softwares, tools, demos


New subsurface technology


Some short reading articles


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ConvEx provides a new way to analyze pressure and rate data, forecast performance and run reservoir simulation in matter of seconds.

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*available for students and paid members