Learn and deepen your well testing skills Place for oil and gas students and professionals to learn well test analysis, the techniques and tools, including deconvolution, for all types of wells and reservoirs. YC-1 exploration well DSTNaturally-fractured reservoirsFracture Behaviour Wellbore storageQ&A: Job well test with completionConingConstant Pressure BoundaryReservoir HeterogeneitiesTidal effectsProduction problem with an oil wellIs the skin always representative of the well damage?The Skin FactorRadius of InvestigationHow much rate history to use in pressure transient analysisInter-layer connectivity from well testDefault well test derivativeLong horizontal well analysisGet the most of production shut-ins and pressure build-up testsHBX-2 Appraisal Well TestExploration and appraisal dynamic dataHow to define the reserves associated with a wellWhy a pressure gauge near the perforations ?Some safety considerations when flowing a well for the first timeWould you push the Emergency Shutdown button ?Deviated Well ResponseBasic Horizontal Well ResponseMonitor oil and gas productionPlan PBU tests for surveillanceWell Test Optimisation, Minimize Rig Time and Flared VolumeIntroduction to Well Test DeconvolutionCalculate Reservoir Pressure and Monitor Recovery ProcessAssess a well interventionDetect a fluid breakoutWell Test DerivativeThe ∆P Curve in the log-log plotThe Superposition PlotThe Data PlotWell test analysis COURSE IWell Test Design and AnalysisBASICCOURSE IIcomplex wells, productionADVANCEDTOOLSSoftwares, tools, demosDEMOSCONVEXNew subsurface technologyTECHNOLOGYPOSTSSome short reading articlesARTICLESPTA GUIDEfor our VIP membersBOOKFORUMDiscussion Q&A platformQ&AHELPGet some well test supportSOS Oil and gas posts Popular Posts The Skin Factor Wellbore storage Tidal effects Radius of Investigation Constant Pressure Boundary Results from well test analysis Fracture Behaviour Deconvolution in well testing Coning Do you analyze the production data from opportunistic PBU shut-ins ?